Queen on maternity session. Professional pregnancy photo session Birmingham.

When I saw this mom walking through my door, my heart started to beat faster. I knew that this session will be amazing. And it was. Some #maternitysessions are just wow! I am absolutely speachless about how photogenic this mama is. Her session was amazing from the beggining to the end. I even can't pick my favouriete photo as I love them all.

I always choose the #maternitygowns wich will fit you the best but you can choose which one you love the most from my porfolio. I have over 20 gowns and outfits for my maternity sessions and my collection is still growing. I love #glamourmaternitysessions so I keep all my dressess in these style but I also have a few simple dressess to choose from.
If you want to know more about my #maternitysessions and you want me to #capture your #memories then feel free to message me on Facebook, Instagram or email me at kidiphotography@gmail.com and I will provide you all the details.